Свободное время

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Ход урока
- Good morning boys and girls. I hope you well today and ready for the lesson.
- What date is it today?
- What day of the week is it today?
- Who is absent today?
- I want you to work hard and wish you to get only good marks.

Фонетическая зарядка
- So, lets begin our lesson. Look at the screen and repeat after me
a: - dancing, basketball, pastime
- club, jumping, running
o: - horse riding, sport, drawing, walk
ᶛ - jogging, fond of, hobby, popular, watching
ι: - reading, sleeping, keeping, free, keen on
i - activity, fishing, knitting, interested
ai - time, like, bike, hiking, diving, riding
eı - playing, games, crazy, favourite, famous

Актуализация темы
- Look at the screen. (просмотр видео)
- How do you think? What shall we speak about today?
(Students answers)
- Correctly, we are going to talk about our free time. There are many kinds of leisure activities we may call them free time, pastime, hobby in English.
- What do you do in your free time? What do British children do in their free time?
Can you tell us about it?

Постановка проблемы: мы не можем в полной мере рассказать о свободном времени и о том как подростки Британии проводят его.
Постановка задач
Составление плана
Ребята, так чем же мы сегодня займемся?
to learn new words and phrases
to learn about types of free time in Britain
to talk about hobbies and interests

Отработка лексики
- Lets open the books at page and look at the pictures. What can you see? (free time activities). Please, listen and repeat after me.
- Read books, go windsurfing, meet my friends, go swimming, go cycling, paint, play computer games, go fishing.
- Now repeat

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