on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
This is the end
Of Solomon Grundy.
Bob danced with Kate,
He dropped his plate,
He returned home late,
The party was great
I didnt miss my chance:
Last year I visited France,
Last month I went to Rome,
Last week I stayed at home.
The Past Simple - вопросительная форма:
(исполняется на мелодию песни «Чунго Чанга»)
Where, where were you yesterday?
What did you see, did you see that day?
What did you do, what did you do that day?
How did you, how did you play that day?
Yesterday you were away.
Where did you stay? Where did you stay?
Where did you play?
How did you play?
Who did you play with?
Yesterday you went away.
Where did you go yesterday?
Who did you see?
What did you do?
So where were you?
The Present Perfect Tense:
The Perfect Song
Where, where have you been, have you been, have you been?
What have you already seen, have you seen, have you seen?
To some places we have been, we have been, we have been.
Many cities we have seen, we have seen, we have seen.
What have you done, have you done, have you done, have you done?
We have had a lot of fun, lots of fun, lots of fun.
Учащиеся легко запоминают порядок слов в специальных вопросах в настоящем совершённом времени на мелодию песни «Тыж мэня пидманула»
Where, where have you been?
What, what, what, what have you seen?
What, what, what, what have you done?
Have you had a lot of fun?
The Infinitive:
(предложить разные упражнения на подстановку)
I help my Mom to make my bed,
To lay the table, to clean the flat.
To cook the meals three times a day
I help my Mummy ev
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