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ou remember all new words from Unit 3? Lets do it in such a way. I will give you the word and you are to translate it from English into Russian . . . then from Russian into English . . .
Words: apple tree, bridge, camel, capital, coat, country, cow, desert, dolphin, eagle, field, garden, Great Britain (GB), hill, horse, mountain, ocean, river, road, sea, sheep, whale, in the country, become, take off, useful.
Актуализация знаний
T: Very good, now we have another task: look at the blackboard. (кроссворд)
Be attentive and find the adjectives.





(smaller, talkative, green, exotic, strong, worst, fat, clean, best, uglier,old, biggest)
T: Now you will be teachers, you should find and correct the mistakes:
1. My marks are gooder than Johns. (better)
2. She is the butifullest girl in our class. (the most beautiful)
3. Summer is more hot than spring. (hotter)
4. My city is the bigest. (the biggest)
5. The forest is the most dark place. (the darkest)
Контроль знаний.
T: Now it is time for the test. I will give you the sheets with the test and you are to write down the date and put your name at the top of the page. The task is to choose the correct variant. (тест на грамматику).
Разминка (Warming up).
T: Are your tired? Lets have a rest. Stand up. Listen and repeat the moves. (head and shoulders под музыку)
Закрепление знаний.
T: Open your books at page 27. Lets do exercises 1,2. (восстанови рисунки и напиши, что на них нарисовано; восстанови письмо, вставив пропущенные слова).
Актуализация изученной лексики в игровой форме.
T: Now lets play a game: I will name an a

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