And another children, listen to each other and check yourselves, give marks using these Criteriums.
Приложение 4 . Критерий
1) There are advantages and disadvantages of this kind of Mass Media- 2-1.
2) All members of the group speak English correctly without mistakes- 2-1.
3) They give whole information- 2-1.
4) In the writing text there are no mistakes- 2-1.
If you have 4 points - "3"
5-6 points - "4"
7-8 points - "5"
VII. Создание ответного письма.
And now, answer to Alex. Please, who wanted? (любой желающий ученик создает в любой форме устной или письменной, ответное письмо)
For example:
Dear Alex,
My classmates decided to help you. We made work on your topic of the project. And sent you on e-mail.
Best wishes
Your Russian friends.
VIII. Заключительная часть урока. Рефлексия учебной деятельности. Подведения итогов. Выставления оценок. Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания. (1-2 минуты)
And now, come to the conclusion. Thank you for your participating. Remember me please; what was the topic of our lesson? What did you do there? Why?(учащиеся отвечают) I think, we know much about advantages or disadvantages of different kinds of Mass Media. Do you agree with me that our purposes are achieved? (учащиеся отвечают на вопросы)
And return to our points. You are very active today. Your marks for the lesson are. . . ( согласно критериям, учащиеся выставляют оценки себе и своим одноклассникам за проделанную работу. Учитель, по мере необходимости обращает внимание учащихся над чем еще нужно по работать)
And now, your homework. Open your diary and write. On the next lesson well begin test, control lessons. 16-18 of March you
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