Способы организации бизнеса

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ботки новой продукции).
oo The small business can give a person a chance to get experience (дает человеку шанс приобрести опыт ведения дела).
oo Small businesses are well suited for meeting specialized local needs (отвечает специфически местным потребностям).
Answer these questions:
1) What kind of business is called a sole proprietorship?
2) What is a sole proprietor responsible for?
3) What are the advantages of a sole proprietorship?
4) What are the disadvantages of this form of business organization?
5) What are economic benefits of small business?
The Business Partnership (Деловое партнерство)
When a proprietor (собственник) wants to expand a business (расширить бизнес0, he forms a partnership (партнерство0. A partnership is a business formed for profit (для выгоды) by two or more co-owners (совладельцев). The rights (права) and duties (обязанности) of a partnership are regulated by laws of the state (законами государства) and by a legal agreement(законным соглашением) made by co-owners (совладельцы). Usually an agreement (соглашение) specifies (определяет) the amount of money (количество денег), each is investing (которые влаживаются) and duties (обязанности) each partner assumes(принимает). A partnership agreement(соглашение) also may provide(затрагивать) for a "silent partner" (партнера без права голоса) who does not take part in the management (не участвует в управлении), but who invests money (влаживает деньги) in the business.
The partnership has the advantage (преимущество) of pooling managerial talent (создание общего фонда управленческого таланта). One partner may be qualified (квалифицирован) in production (в производстве), another in marketing. The partnership has a favourable tax position

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