Sports. Chant

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Pupils read the new tongue twister and look at the pink letters. Ask if all the pink letters. Ask if all the pink letters make the same sound or different sounds

Our Discovery Island.
Grade 3

Internet materials
https://www. youtube. com/watch?vtkpfg-1FJLU

Play the game.
Divide the class into pairs. Pupils cut out mini cards on p 83. And put them face down on their table.
They take turns to choose one, put it face up and ask Can you. . . ? Pupil B answers Yes, I can. / No, I cant.
Listen and tick
Pupils look at the monkey doing different activities. Play CD 2:44. Pupils listen and put a tick or a cross in the boxes. Play again to check answers.

Teachers book

5 min
Ending of the lesson!
Sing the song in Lesson CD 2:40.
Home work: Retelling the text. Ex: 5,6
T: The lesson is over good bye!
Internet materials
Teachers book

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