Sport and Games

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4. Translate the following from Russian into English paying attention to the use of Articles with Names of Diseases.
1. Врач сказал, что это аппендицит.
2. Билл, который выглядел бледным, пожаловался на головную боль, пошел на верх и лег.
3. На самом деле Дик был болен гриппом.
4. Я просто устал, и у меня болит ухо.
5. Может быть, туберкулез, которым он болен, не от этой пыли.
6. "Вы готовы идти на прием?"
"Извините, у меня болит сердце"
5. Continue this monologue . . . Example:
Health is very important for all people.
6. Work on the Dialogues.
7. Venn diagram.

8. Insert.
What I have known v
What I didnt know -
Its new for me
What Id like to know?


Proverbs with (Diseases) Disease.
for I Line "Old age is a disease that you die from"
"Victims of the same disease share sympathy"
"Medicine can only cure curable diseases, and then not always"
For II line: " The cure may be worse that the disease"
"Diseases come on horse back, but steal away on foot"
"Every diseases will have its course"
"The cure is worse than the disease"
for III line: "Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies"
"Disease is soon shaken by physic soon taken"
"Health is not valued till sickness comes"
"Money cant buy youhealth "
Home task
1. To write an essay. "What I do to stay health"
2. By heart Proverbs with Disease
"5" - excellent! "4" - good! (very good

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