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1 min





(7 min)
Activity 1 New vocabulary:
Method: Multimedia learning Метод: мултимедийное обучение
Leaners click a picture to read and listen to new vocabulary. Then they write them into the dictionary.

Division into 3 groups:
Method: Puzzles Метод: Пазлы
The leaners choose one part of the cutting picture and try to find the other parts of their puzzle.
1group: Individual sports(skiing, swimming, golf, karate)
2group: Pair sports(boxing ,chess, figure skating, tennis)
3group: Group sports(hockey, cricket, football, basketball)

Match the pictures with kinds of sport:

1. Golf f

2. Football d

3. Swimming

4. Cycling

5. Hockey c

6. Basketball e

Peer assessment Взаимооценивание

Method: Running dictation
Метод: Бегущий диктант

Dynamic pause

Differentiation by outcomes: Дифференциация
Task1. For all leaners Fill in the gaps

Descriptor : A learner
Completes 3-4 sentences to give basic personal information about topic "Sport fo

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