What day is it today?
Whats the weather today?
What reason is it?
Do you like autumn?
2. Children look at me and say what is this?
Well done! Tell me please what is the theme of our lesson? Как вы думаете, глядя на эти картинки, о чем пойдет речь на сегодняшнем уроке? (Ответы учащихся)
Yes, you are right. The theme of our lesson is School subjects" (слайд 1)
Today well speak about school subjects which are loved by yours. Well learn grammar rule "the verb to be" and well do many other interesting things. I hope youll enjoy our English lesson. Please be active in lesson. Are you ready? Lets start! Мы познакомимся с новыми словами по этой теме, а также в конце урока расскажете о предметах, которые вам нравятся.
So look at the board, read words to remember their pronunciation. Я указываю на картинки и называю слово, а учащиеся повторяют за мной. (слайд 2)
You are great! The next task you should match words with the right picture. Сопоставьте слова, которые находятся под цифрами, а картинки под буквами. (слайд 3)
Good work! Are you tired? Lets continue! Now you well fill in the crossword puzzle. You should wright and then check your answer. (слайд 4)
Boys and girls I know you like to play and do exercise morning. Lets do gym!(слайд 5)
Thank you very much! You are excellent! Open your workbook at page 20 and look at the screen well do the other task. (слайд 6)
Very well! You are very clever! Do you like our lesson? We are going to work in pairs. Ill give you some minutes to you and you make up the dialogue. (слайд 7)
Lets talk about grammar rule "the verb to be". Прочитайте предложения и скажите, почему используется три формы глагола быть. (слайд 8. 9)
You are brilliant! At the
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