Шекспир. 12-я ночь

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План урока в 8 классе на тему "Шекспир 12-я ночь"
Учитель : Тулпарова Д. З.
МКОУ СОШ 9, г. Кизляр
1. Формировать навыки устной и письменной речи
2. Повторить грамматическую тему Past Perfect
3. Повторить косвенную речь
4. Развить умение всех навыков устной речи
1. Развивать навыки изучающего чтения
Тип урока: комбинированный
The lessons plan
Org. time
- hello, children! How are you today? Im glad to see you.
Lets begin our lesson.
Lets answer some of my questions.
1. Do you willingly help to your parents about the house? Anya, please ask.
2. Do your parents always allow you to do what you want? Please, Ruslan
3. do you always feel safe in the place where you live?
4. Do you think it is easy to be fair?
5. Do you often refuse people when they ask to help?
6. What do you usually reply when people say "how are you?"
Ok. Good. Now open your copy books with your homework.
Well. Look at the pictures on the board and try to answer whats the theme of our r lesson today?
Yes, you are write. We will talk today about Shakespeare , his "twelfth night".
Lets read and translate the text. Open your books at page 79.
Now lets do ex 6 page 80. You should say which of the following sentences are true, false or not stated.
Well. Lets remember our grammar Past Perfect. Ex 3 p 83
Please , domnika go to the blackboard.
Write down your homework for the next lesson. Ex 8,9,10 p 86
How do you think who is the best today? What marks do you get?
Did you like our lesson? What did you know about "twelfth night".
Well, our lesson is over. You are free. Goodbye.

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