s of underlined words. But first divide work among your group. Everybody is responsible for one word. I think Father will divide words, because Father is the head of the family. Agree with me? You may use dictionaries, a lap-top or the Internet. Find the transcription of these words? Write it on the sheets of paper. And then teach each other to pronounce these words. Ill help you.
Have you finished up your work with the words? Lets see.
…. P1, show and say your word to the group.
…P2. , repeat! All together repeat after him!
Now fill in these tables. Find the information in the text and put it in the tables. Each member of the family will choose the information only about him or her.
Then you should unit all your information in the common table. And I want you to decorate it with some pictures to get a family portrait.
8. Представление «семейных портретов». Беседа с опорой на линейные денотатные карты и коллажи.
Imagine that both families met at a party. Let it be the Birthday party of your friends. But you dont know each other. Ask some of the members of the other family to tell you about himself or herself.
9. Домашнее задание:
Make up a story about your own family and get ready to tell us about it.
10. Рефлексия. (Слайд 9)
Our lesson is nearly over. And Id like to know about your mood now. Show me your mood. Has it changed a little bit? Let me see. (смайлики)
Now take these sheets of paper.
Здесь вы видите шкалу оценки своей работы на уроке и усвоения новых знаний. Отметьте кружком или точкой тот уровень, на котором вы, по вашему мнению, находитесь сейчас. Подпишите и сдайте листочки.
11. Заключительный этап (Слайд 10)
Id like to finish our lesson with the poem. But my poem is unusual. Ever
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