Seasons and weather

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Приклеиваем картинки.
Слайд14 There is a lot of different weather around the world today.
In England it is raining. In Portugal it is sunny. In Japan it is foggy. In Australia it is very hot. In Sweden it is snowing. In China it is cold. In Egypt it will be cloudy. In India there will be windy.
Слайд15 Lets check up!
6. Физкультминутка.
Слайд16 I think you are tired and now its time to have a rest!
You have two leaves. Take them, please
Will you stand up?
It is autumn. So…
Leaves, leaves dance around (руки в стороны, кружимся)
Leaves, leaves touch the ground (наклоняемся, руками касаемся пола)
Leaves, leaves in the air (руки вверх, шевелим пальцами)
Leaves, leaves everywhere (прямыми руками делаем круговые движения)
Leaves, leaves dance around (руки в стороны, кружимся)
Leaves, leaves touch the ground (наклоняемся, руками касаемся пола)
Sit down, please. Lets continue our work.
Слайд17 And lets sing a song about the weather.
The weather song
Whats the weather? Its sunny.
Whats the weather? Its rainy.
All together thats the weather, oh!
Sun, rain, wind, storm,
Hot, cold, cool, warm.
Whats the weather? Its cloudy.
Whats the weather? Its windy.
All together thats the weather, oh!
In the summer it is hot.
In the winter it is not.
In the spring there are flowers.
In the autumn there are showers.
Whats the weather? Its frosty.
Whats the weather? Its foggy.
All together thats the weather, oh!
Sun, rain, wind, storm,
Hot, cold, cool, warm.
Whats the weather? Its snowing.
Whats the weather? Its blowing.
All together thats the weather, oh!
In the summer it is hot.
In the winter it is not.

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