ek. Open your books at page 47. Ex 3. Please listen to the tape, repeat after the announcer. Children, who can help to translate these bold typed words?Translate the sentences. Обратите внимание, с каким предлогом употребляются дни недели, в понедельник, в среду?
4. Закрепление новой лексики
1)Now look at the screen and read all the days of the week all together. Who can try to read them alone? Very good. Its a five!
2)Имитативное УРУ
Say that Im right:
In Russia the week starts on Monday.
In Great Britain the week starts on Sunday.
Today is Wednesday.
Yesterday was Tuesday.
Tomorrow will be Thursday.
Sunday and Saturday are weekend.
Friday is last day of work for many people.
3)Подстановочное УРУ
Correct me if Im not right.
Friday comes after Sunday.
Monday comes before Sunday
Thursday comes after Friday
Tuesday comes before Saturday
Wednesday comes after Friday
Sunday comes after Wednesday
Saturday comes before Tuesday
Thursday comes before Wednesday
Friday comes after Monday
Tuesday comes before Saturday
4)Now the next exercise. Look at the screen. Here you can see Tom and Ann. Tell me please, how they spend their week? What do they do on Sunday, On Monday and so on.
5)And now, please, translate my sentences. Я хожу в школу по понедельникам. Во вторник я буду читать интересную книгу. В субботу он играл в хоккей. В пятницу она ела кашу. В четверг они ходили в зоопарк. В воскресенье он видел слона. В понедельник они смеялись над обезьяной. В среду он встретил жирафа.
6)Работа с текстом ex. 10 p 51.
Many people have diaries. Where they write their ideas every day. Two English girls, Mary and Susan are very busy girls. In their diaries ev
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