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ле работы с диалогом учащиеся отвечают на вопрос :What means of transport did Alex use? ) (см. звуковое приложение)
Активизация лексики в речи
Teacher: Every way of travelling has advantages and disadvantages. We can describe our trip or voyage using adjectives. (Повторение за учителем прилагательных, список которых есть у каждого ученика в раздаточном материале):
Dangerous- опасный
Cheap- недорогой
Expensive- дорогой
Interesting- интересный
Fast - быстрый
Slow- медленный
Safe- безопасный
Comfortable- удобный
Teacher: Please, answer my questions: What means of transport do you prefer? What is your favourite way of travelling? Explain your choice. (Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос, аргументируя свой выбор)
Teacher: I think it is high time to have a rest (физминутка )
Работа в группах (составление диалогов)
Teacher: I hope you are ready to continue our work. ( учащиеся работают в группах. Задание: составить связный диалог из разрозненных реплик, прочитать их по ролям).
Образцы диалогов:
Dialogue 1
-Hello. Could you give us some information about Londons most famous sights?
-What have you already seen in London?
-We havent seen anything yet. We have only just come.
-Have a look at the leaflets over there and take what you like.
- Lets start with a London sightseeing tour on a double-decker bus.
-OK, fine. Lets go to Trafalgar Square. The tour starts from there.
Dialogue 2:
-Hi, Mike. I havent seen you for ages. Where have you been?
-Hi, Ive just arrived. I went on a tour around Britain.
-Where did you start?
- In Moscow. I went to London by plane. Then we went by car.
-Did you stop anywhere?
-Of course, we did. We could go everywhere b

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