Путешествие в Лондон

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r been to Moscow. (She has never been to Moscow. )
II Формулирование темы урока, постановка цели. (Организация совместного открытия темы урока. )
- Ok! Well done! Look at the card. What is the city? (учитель указывает на карту)
- London
- Yes, you are right! Today well speak about London. Would you like to be in London? Why? What do you think about it? (Answers)
III Проверка домашнего задания. (Организация обобщения знаний, полученных самостоятельно)
-There are a lot of places of interest in London. And now please represents your works! (Учащиеся презентуют свои коллективные работы в виде защиты проекта, с участием мультимедийных технологий)
IV Активизация аудитивных навыков. (прослушивание описаний известных достопримечательностей Лондона)
-Last week we have read the stories about some places of interest in the capital of Great Britain, and now lets play the game! Listen to me and try to guess what place Ill describe.
1 A bridge over the river Thames. It opens to let tall boats pass underneath. This bridge was built in the 19th century over the River Thames close to the Tower of London, from which it takes its name. It has become an iconic symbol of London. The bridge consists of two towers tied together at the upper level by means of two horizontal walkways. (TowerBridge)
2 A famous department store in Knightsbridge. The store has over 330 departments making it the biggest department store in Europe. Its motto is Omnia Omnibus Ubique—All Things for All People, Everywhere. Several of its departments, including the seasonal Christmas department and the Food Hall, are world famous. (Harrods)
3 A square as a public space and tourist attraction in central London, built around the area formerly known as Charing Cross. At its ce

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