Путешествие как способ познать мир

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: Repeat after me.
aiKinds of transport, a bicycle, a motorcycle,
a plane, a train, , underground,
an airship, a hot-air balloon,
a helicopter, a spaceship,
a van, a double-decker bus, a ship, a boat, a horse, a car, commuters.
2. Речевая зарядка. (карточки)
1) T: Agree or disagree.
-Peoples life is impossible without travelling.
-There is only one way of travelling.
-Travelling by train has only disadvantages.
- Travelling by sea is not very popular.
-Hiking is very popular with young people.

2) T:Make up sentences:
- the min advantages of trains ( speed, comfort and safety in comfortable seats of the sleeping cars);
-to travel (by air, by rail, by sea, by road, on foot)
-to be the fastest and the most convenient way of travelling ( travelling by air)
-the most expensive way of travelling ( by plane)
T: What means of transport do you know?
( учащиеся перечисляют виды транспорта)
3 Введение лексики
T: Lets read the text. ( просмотровое чтение)
City transport in Moscow
The metro is the fastest and most com - fortable type of the city transport. The other means of transport in Moscow are buses, trolley-buses, trams, taxis. Some buses, trolley-buses and trams have con - ductors and some have cash-boxes. One should have the correct fare going by such means of transport. Many people have passes.
London transport
Public transport in London is expensi - ve. The fare depends on the length of the journey. You cannot buy books of tickets in advance. Children under six - teen pay half, and those under five travel free. You usually buy bus tickets from a conductor, but on some buses you pay the driver. Most London buses are double-deckers.
On the undergro

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