ProgressCheck 2

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ld pack your suitcase
(раздает имитацию чемодана) everyone has his own suitcase, Write down here a list of words what you are going to take with you.
Start your answer with: на доске
In my suitcase I have got . . .
name the thing and its number
And in the end:
I have got tickets to . . . (name of the city)
Читает пример своего чемодана
What country Im going to visit?

Ex. 5, p. 44 Read the task,
Chose that/this/these/those

Ex. 7 Match the exchange

(раздает тесты)
now well do a test
You have 15 min for this task.
You should write on these sheets of paper.

Открывают тетради на проверку, презентуют проекты

Слушают, задают вопросы

Пишут список вещей, затем читают классу, класс отвечает в какую страну собирается ученик.

In my suitcase, I have got an umbrella, 3 T-shirts, trainers and 2 caps.
I have got tickets to London

She is going to visit the UK.

1 That, 2 These, 3 This, 4 Those

1 e, 2 c, 3 a, 4 b, 5 d

Решают тест
III. Заключительный этап
Домашнее задание

Подведение итогов

Your home task is
My home, my castle, p. 45

Students, you have worked well today
Your marks are . . .
(Excellent, Good. . . )

Did you like the lesson?
Thank you for your work.

Записывают д. з. в дневник
Задают вопросы

Отвечают на вопрос учителя.
Подают на подпись дневники.

Приложение 1
1. Write in the plural.
Example: A fox has got a mouse Foxes have got mice
A child has got a new toy.
That man is a teacher.
This lady has got a pink sc

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