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План урока по английскому языку в 9 классе по теме "Профессии".
Aims: keep students busy with useful personal and social activities;
help them to choose the right profession for themselves;
develop their abilities in reading,writing and speaking; learn to get on with each other.
Equipment: Active board, textbooks, work books, application forms.
Procedure of the lesson
Today we are going to speak about job, how to get ready for the interview, how to choose the right profession for yourself, some of you will try to get a job.
План урока
1. Warm up: a game "Pass the ball and name ABC profession" (P1- an actor, P2- a builder, P3- a cook, P4- a dentist. . )
2. Brainstorming activity (on the Active board):
What factors are the most important for you in choosing a job? Put the following factors in order of importance :
b)Interesting and varied work, not boring or monotonous
c)Work which is useful to society
d)Good working conditions
e)Flexible hours
f)Opportunities to meet people
g)Friendly and considerate management and colleagues
h)Opportunities to travel
i)Long holidays
3. Стратегия "Угадайка". Групповая работа
Выберите правильное слово в предложениях
Theyre quite an unusual couple. She years a fortune as a lawyer. So when they had a baby he gave up his job. 1) Now shes the main breadwinner/ breadbasket/bread maker, while he stays at home to look after the children.
2) Last year I inherited some money from my grandmother, but I havent spent it yet. Im saving it for a wet day/raining day/a storm.
3) Have you got any wealthy friends? No, all my friends are break/broken/ broke like me.
4) Did you hear about Alan winning $ 2000 last

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