Проблемы экологии

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ry year. And many seabirds and animals die because of it. Its very dangerous.
3. How do nuclear stations harm?
You know that there are 11 (eleven) nuclear stations in Russia. Besides there are still nuclear weapons in some countries. As a result the environment is polluted with the industrial and nuclear waste. It is dangerous for nature and people, especially for kids.
4. Применение обобщенных ЗУН в новых условиях. Выступления учащихся (15 минут 2-3 мин. резерв)
Учащиеся выступают по группам, доклады подготовлены заранее. Далее - краткое обсуждение выступления, вопросы от других участников выступающим, совместное обсуждение проблемы - что каждый из нас конкретно может сделать, чтобы уберечь планету от загрязнений.
I want to say that recently people have become more sensitive to the nature.
Do you know any ecological organizations or public movements?
P1: Some public organizations and unofficial environmentalist movements have been established every year. In 1987 a "Green Peace" public commission has been set up. Its main goal is to combine the peoples efforts for peace and environmental protection.
P2"Travels for Peace and Nature" is the name of another public movement that appeared in Russia some years ago. It concentrates its efforts of theory and practical work. Russia is cooperating in the field of environmental protection with the United States, Canada, Norway, Finland and other countries. Russia and the United States are carrying out joint projects to study and protect the environmental system of the Arctic and Subarctic regions and also study some of the natural processes in the permafrost zone.
What can children do to help the Earth?
T. : What do you do to keep the Earth clean? (Обращаясь к уче

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