Активизация лексического материала.
Lets remember the words about music. I propose you open the book at the page 59, ex. 5.
Match the musical terms and definitions.
And now I want to play with you. On the blackboard there are some syllables. You must compose 4 words from them. You are some minutes to prepare. And who is ready to go to the blackboard and write the words.
Ok, thank you. You are well!
4. Здоровьесберегающая пауза.
You have said that music helps people to relax, to have a rest, to be in a good mood. But I want to attract your attention that psychologists recommend people listening to the quite soft classical music, when they are tired, or if they simply want to sit quietly and relax. So, I suggest you listening to the music may be itll help you to relax.
(звучит музыка П. И. Чайковского "Времена года. Апрель")
5. Развитие навыка диалогической речи.
Lovely music, isnt it? Try to guess who composed this music. He is a Russian composer. He did write operas and ballets.
Yes, he is Chaikovskiy. But what do you know about Chaikovskiy?
(pupil tells about Chaikovskiy).
Can we say that Russia is a great musical country?
(yes, we can).
What other famous Russian composers do you know?
(Glinka, Rakhmaninov, Borodin).
Ok, all these men were the famous Russian composers. In Russia the only great musical country in the world?
(no, it isnt. Austria, Germany, Italy, France are great musical countries).
Very well. All these countries are the greatest musical countries the world. I wonder, who is favourite composer? And why do you like his music? What musical instruments can you play?
Now children I want you to prepare dialogues about music. You will work in
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