Праздник–концерт «Счастливый английский»

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e good kittens!
Put on your mittens,
And you will have some pie. (Gives them pies)
But I smell a mouse close by.
(All together): We smell a mouse close by. Good- bye. (The Cat and Kittens leave the stage)
2 ведущий: That was very interesting! Excellent! Let us listen to the poem "The Family"
The Family.
This is my mother,
This is my father,
This is my sister,
This is my brother,
This is my uncle,
This is my aunt Lily
This is my cousin,
And this is me.
Get up? Little Freddy,
Breakfast is ready?
Butter and cheese,
And that you please.

Milk and bread
For little Fred, tea and jam
For brother Sam.
1 ведущий: Well done. You know such beautiful poems.
2 ведущий: Who wants to recite the poems about your relatives? (Ребята из зала рассказывают стихи о семье, о маме, папе и т. д. )
I love my Mummy.
I love the sun.
Two, two, two,
I love my Mummy too.
My Mummy loves me.
Four, four, four,
I love her more and more.
I count from one,
I love the sun
I count to four,
I love my Mummy more! (ets. )
1 ведущий: Take this "magic" apple - a symbol of many important things, a symbol of a family. Pass it to your friend and say something about your family.
Учащиеся передают друг другу яблоко и рассказывают о семье.
2 ведущий: Now, I see you love your family. "My Bonnie lies over the ocean"
1 ведущий: What are you singing?
2 ведущий: Oh, it is a very nice song, but I have forgotten the words.
1 ведущий: Never mind! Children from the 4th form can help you.
(звучит песня " My Bonnie lies over the

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