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as painted by famous Russian artist Карл Брюллов. This picture is called "The last day of Pompeii". Look at this picture which shows us Pompeii. This is how Брюллов imagined this tragedy. The picture will help you to understand it.

Учитель проходит по рядам и показывает учащимся картину.

There is an ancient legend about Pompeii. People who lived in Pompeii were very rich and careless. They didnt like to work. They sang, ate and danced all time. And they were not grateful to gods for their treasures. Zeus became very angry because of that and then he punished these people. He started the eruption.

Отвечают учителю (An ancient roman city which was destroyed by eruption).

Учащиеся смотрят на картину.

Учащиеся слушают легенду.
6 минут.
4. And lets continue our lesson.
Open your books at page 81, exercise number 5. You will listen to the text about Pompeii and follow it. Before listening we should translate expressions above the text. One by one. The first one is "ancient city",. . . translate please.

Now, listen please.

Учитель включает запись 2 раза.

Now we will listen to the text again.
Учащиеся переводят выражения.

Учащиеся слушают текст.
5 минут.
5. And now answer my questions.

The first question: Where was this city situated? In what country was this city?

The second question: What was this city looked like?

The third question: What was in the center of Pompeii?

The fourth question: Were there in Pompeii temples or churches?

Next question: Did buildings i

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