Plans and Intentions

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tions to help you:
Where are you going to visit?
How much time are you going to spend there?
How are you going to travel there?
Where are you going to stay?
What are you going to do?
These pictures will help you.
Are you ready?
Choose pictures you need and tell us about your summer plans. Delete the pictures you dont need.

Thank you very much.
1. - Home task: write in copybooks 7 sentences about holidays plans.
2. - Did you like our lesson? What did you like most of all?
А теперь попробуем оценить нашу работу. Как вы думаете, хорошо ли вы поработали? Какую отметку бы вы себе поставили? И т. д. и т. п.
As for me I give. . . .
Thank you for the lesson. You may be free. Good bye.

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