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3. Stop Only if:
The person starts breathing normally
A trained responder or emergency help takes over
You are too exhausted to continue
There is an automated external defibrillator (AED) to use
4. Use an AED as Soon as One Is Available
Turn on the AED. It will give you step-by-step instructions.
Wipe chest dry.
Attach the pads.
Plug in connector, if needed.
Make sure no one is touching the person. Say "Clear" so that people know to stay back and not touch the person.
Push the "Analyze" button if necessary.
If a shock is advised, push the "Shock" button.
Resume compressions and follow AED prompts.

1. The complete medical terminology for CPR is. . .
2. When the heart stops Brain Death will occur within:
a) 1-2 Minutes.
b) 8-10 Hours.
c) 8-10 Minutes.
d) 12-15 Minutes.

3. The CABs of CPR are:
a) Cuts, Air and Burns
b) Circulation/Compressions, Airway and Breathing
c) Children, Adults and Babies
d) None of the above.
4. When administering CPR, what is breaths-to-compressions ratio?
a) 2 breaths every 30 compressions
b) 1 breath every 30 compressions.
c) 1 breath every 15 compressions
d) 2 breaths every 5 compressions

Heart attack

A heart attack is a medical emergency.
Symptoms in adults may include:
Changes in mental status, particularly in the elderly
Chest pain that feels like pressure, squeezing, or fullness: The pain is usually in the center of the chest. It may also be felt in the jaw, shoulder, arms, back, and stomach. It lasts for more than a few minutes, or it may come and go.
Cold sweat

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