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ff the power supply or remove the person from the electrical source using a non-conductive material. This is a material that does not conduct electricity, such as a wooden stick or a wooden chair.
Do not approach a person who is connected to a high-voltage source (1,000 volts or more).

Chemical burns
Chemical burns can be very damaging and require immediate medical attention at an A&E department.

If possible, find out what chemical caused the burn and tell the healthcare professionals at A&E.

If you are helping someone else, wear appropriate protective clothing, then:
remove any clothing on the person that has the chemical on it
if the chemical is dry, brush it off their skin
use running water to remove any traces of the chemical from the burnt area

In cases of sunburn, follow the advice below:
If you notice any signs of sunburn, such as hot, red and painful skin, move into the shade or preferably inside.
Take a cool bath or shower to cool down the burnt area of skin.
Apply after-sun lotion to the affected area to moisturise, cool and soothe it. Do not use greasy or oily products.
If you have any pain, paracetamol or ibuprofen should help relieve it. Always read the manufacturers instructions and do not give aspirin to children under 16 years of age.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Watch out for signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke, where the temperature inside your body rises to 37-40C (98. 6-104F) or above. Symptoms include dizziness, a rapid pulse or vomiting.
If a person with heat exhaustion is taken to a cool place quickly, given water to drink and has their clothing loosened, they should start to feel better within half an hour. If they

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