Ones Own Game

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Задания и ответы к игре «Своя игра».

Данная игра довольно проста, она имеет лишь один тур.
Правила игры: Участник (или группа, если класс разделён на группы) выбирает тему и «стоимость» вопроса. Если он правильно отвечает, то данное количество баллов ему прибавляется. А если он ошибается, то это количество баллов вычитается из его уже имеющихся баллов. Задача – набрать большее количество баллов.
The UK
The Idioms
Holidays around the world
Grammar and Tenses
The name of the river in London is … (the Thames)
200 What can you see in the middle of Trafalgar Square ( The stature of Nelson)
300 When was the great fire of London? ( in 1666)
400 Where are the tombs of many kings and queens and other famous people? ( in Westminster
500 Where in London can you say everything you want? ( in Hyde park)
The UK
What is the official name of the UK? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
200 What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast)
300 The flag of the UK is known as …. (the Union Jack)
400 What is Great Britain? ( an island)
500 Who is the head of England? (queen)
There are six of us in every family, but only four in a town. What are we? (Letters)
I have cities but no houses; forests but no trees, rivers but without water. What am I? (a map)
300 Which month has 28 days? (They all have 28 days)
400 What has no head, no arms, no legs, and still has a tongue? ( a shoe)
500 On what day of the year do children talk the least? ( on the 22nd of December because its the shortest day of the year)
The Idioms
100 As happy as … ( a king)
200 As busy as … ( a bee)
300 As like as … (tw

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