Олимпиада по английскому языку

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e, Are. . . coming
B. are having, Will . . . come
12. Do you know when they ?
A. would come
B. will come
13. By the time we come they .
A. will be going
B. will have gone
14. They for you at 7 p. m. tomorrow.
A. will have waited
B. will be waiting
C. will have been waiting
15. James said that he a horse before.
A. never rode
B. had never ridden
Task II
Arrange the words in pairs of synonyms.
1. realize a) fine
2. wealth b) riches
3. announce c) offer
4. immediately d) pick up
5. talk e) understand
6. suggest f) at once
7. lift g) declare
8. spot h) chat
9. excellent i) monument
10. memorial j) place

Task III
Find the Russian equivalents of the following English proverbs
1. All cats are gray in the dark.
2. The bait hides the hook.
3. A bird may be known by its song.
4. Small rain lays great dust.
5. A cat may look as a king.
A. Видна птица по полёту.
B. За погляд денег не берут.
C. Ночью все кошки серы.
D. Посеешь дождь, пожнёшь бурю.
E. Мягко стелет, да жестко спать.

Task IV
Read the girls monologue, which left her house. Read and answer the questions 1 -10 ( true or false).
How does it feel to move away from home?
Hello, my name is Diana. I am going to tell you how it feels to move away from home where youve lived all your life. Some people likes places where they live, others dont, but, of course, we all get used to the same routine and become comfortable where we are. And while moving we leave something behind which can be friends, family or even items close to us. Work is very important for my parents and they both have good career

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