Образование общего вопроса

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wers for my questions.

1. Have you got a kitten?
2. Do you have a puppy?
3. Can you swim?
4. Are you a girl?
5. Does your friend speak English?
6. Did your mother play computer games yesterday?
7. Must you do your homework?
8. Is your sister a schoolgirl?
9. Were you at school yesterday?
10. Will you play football tomorrow?

a. Let s play the game "Interview". You have a new friend. You want to know about him. What questions will you ask? Sasha, will you to the blackboard, you will be a new pupil. Children, ask your questions. Try to use different tenses.

V. Закрепление грамматических навыков(карточки с заданиями)
Choose the right word.
Выбрать правильный ответ.

VI. Физкультминутка
Now, let us relax! Do as I do!

- "Wash" your hands! (5-6 seconds);
- Rub your hands! (5-6 seconds);
- Click your fingers!(about 10 seconds);
- Rub the ears! (10 seconds);
- Shake up the hands!

VII. Активизация лексических навыков по теме "Домашние животные" (картинки на доске).
Look at the pictures and name these animals. What animals can you see? What animals can I have?
The game
"Sleep, children!"(дети закрывают глаза, учитель убирает картинку)
"Wake up, please!"( дети открывают глаза)
"What is missing?"("Кто исчез?" Отгадавший становится ведущим).
VIII. Аудирование (диск)
Will you open your textbook page 9 ex. 1? Listen and match the names with the pictures

IX. Домашнее задание Рассказ "My pet"
X. Выставление оценок самими учащимися
XI. Что нового узнали на этом уроке


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