Новая образовательная система

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And ask students following questions:
- Did you like this video?
- How did the video make you feel?
- Do you agree with the message from the video?
Work with LEGO education based compendium Story Starter.
When students will begin to build their own School of dream or New educational system, they should decide what the most important thing is for them: educating of the mind or educating of the heart. What concepts they consider the main for their new educational system.
They should ask following questions:
- How big will this school be? Where will it be located? What kind of Principal will be there? What traits of character should he have?
- Who will teach in your school? What kind of teachers will there be? What do they look like? What will they be like?
- What subjects will students study there?
- What type of classrooms will be at school?
- How many people will be in one form? Will it be changeable or consonant group of students?
- Should students wear a uniform? What should they be wearing?
- What sort of canteen will be there? How do you think where and how students should have a meal?
- Write down your own rules for your dream school.
3. Answering these questions itll be easier for students to start building and thinking their own educational system. ( HYPERLINK "Photos20of20project. rar" Real students examples )
Список использованных ресурсов.
HYPERLINK "http://nsportal. ru/nagulina-kseniya-vladimirovna" http://nsportal. ru/nagulina-kseniya-vladimirovna
HYPERLINK "http://www. youtube. com/watch?vSOYOa4FIj-Y" http://www. youtube. com/watch?vSOYOa4FIj-Y




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