Non-verbal communication is a key to success

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erally, this information is passed through the duration and intensity of the handshake, as well as, through the laying on of hands.
It is known that a handshake is typically exchanged between men. Women made hand shake just in case, if she so wishes. But in Italy, women constitute an exception and gladly use this gesture of greeting. And in Denmark, handshakes are prevalent, even with children.
In Middle Eastern countries greeting handshake is very common. Arabs in addition, gesture touch palm to his forehead and bow.
In Latin America during a prolonged handshake widespread tapping the interlocutor for elbow, shoulder.
China used a handshake with strangers only at official level. Expressing its respect for the partner, Chinese can shake hands interlocutor with both hands and shake it. When communicating the same close and good knowledge of each other, the hand shake is not common, but a pat on the shoulder or on the back is quite often.
In Japan the handshake is not accepted and only resorted to in exceptional cases. The Japanese, like the Koreans, use another sign of greeting and respect to the interlocutor is a polite bow.
However, kissing on the cheek, patting on the shoulder, embraces, or touching other bodily parts arent – for many people in Asia and other parts of the world such actions are interpreted as an offense or even a violation of ones private space.
Patting head or shoulder also has different meanings in different cultures. In some Asian cultures patting childrens head is very bad signal as head is taken to be sacred. Middle Eastern countries take touch between people from opposite genders is taken as bad character.
Muslims also have strict cultural rules about touching. Men and women cannot touch, even casually, in

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