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form . It writes about celebrities. There are a lot of photographs. They use intriguing headlines. You can find jokes and crossword puzzles there.

Group-2: The newspaper under review is "The Guardian". Its one of the most famous newspapers. Its broadsheet. "The Guardian " is read mainly by professional and business people. There are a lot of articles about policy in it. The Financial Times has different pages for home news and foreign affairs and global economy. Business people start their day with them.

Group-3:" The Daily Express" pays much attention to sensational new extraordinary events accidents, private lives of famous people. It publishes horoscopes. This newspaper is colorful. This tabloid is for easy reading.

Самоконтроль уровня обученности учащихся
T: Now, lets do a very short test. (учащиеся с высокой мотивацией обучения получают карточки 1; более слабые получают карточки 2)

Find the words and expressions that mean:
1. A newspaper which is published every day --
2. A serious newspaper --
3. A newspaper, which usually entertains its readers --
4. A special colour magazine which is published on Sundays --
5. A newspaper which reports local news --
Write: true or false.
1. The "Guardian" is a broadsheet. -
2. Tabloids write a lot about life of celebrities. --
3. Broadsheets are usually very reliable information sources. --
4. Businessmen need tabloids for their work. --
5. One of the famous Russian broadsheets is called "Megapolis". --

T: Its time to check your test. (Учитель зачитывает правильные ответы, уч-ся проверяют)

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