Неправильное питание

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Разработка занятия на примере англоязычного аудио-подкаста "Неправильное питание"

Theme: Eating Unhealthy Foods
Links: http://hwcdn. libsyn. com/p/5/9/f/59fba1ee66ca6159/ESLPod719. mp3?cid3621813&expiration1463583486&hwt55b904935da0fa53930978904701acd2
or (https://www. eslpod. com/website/showpodcast. php?issueid10818186)

1. Think of five important steps to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and write them down. Discus your ides with your partner.
2. Look at the title of the text (Eating Unhealthy Foods) and take a guess what is the text about. What eating healthy means for you? Is it necessary to stick to a diet?

Listen to the tape (from 14:25) and do the exercises listed below:
3. Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.
A. Why doesnt Helen want a sandwich with cold cuts?
a) She doesnt eat meat, she is a vegetarian.
b) She eats these kinds of cold cuts all the time and wants something new.
c) She thinks its unhealthy food.
B. Why doesnt Helen want salads with greens that Gabe has?
a) Because if theyre organic, theyre full of pesticides and chemicals.
b) Because if they arent organic, theyre full of pesticides and chemicals.
c) Because shed like to have a healthy smoothie with fresh fruit instead.

1. Are these statements true, false or is there no information in the text?
1) Helen spent all day Saturday helping Gabe out.
A. True
B. False
C. No information
2) Gabe doesnt care what he puts into his body.
A. True
B. False
C. No information
3) Helen doesnt like smoothies at all.
A. True
B. False
C. No information

1. Answer the questions based on

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