/>- Look at the screen please, will you read the words? (strong, poor, beautiful, famous, mighty, unhappy, great, useful, bright, impressive, life-giving, economically stable, unsteady, wonderful, terrible, splendid). And now characterize our region using these words. For example, I think its great to live here, or something else. (ответы детей)
4 этап. Викторина об Иркутской области.
- So, I see your attitude to our country, its perfectly positive! Right? But its not enough just to have a good attitude; everyone needs to know much about his native place. Well, look at the screen and answer if the facts are true or false. And if they are false - try to correct them.
1. Great Britain, Italy, Holland and some other European countries can be placed on the territory of Irkutsk region. (True)
2. Irkutsk was founded in 1761. (False. In 1661)
3. 1/4th of all worlds reserve of fresh water is kept in Baikal. (True)
4. There are no endemic species in Baikal. (False. 74 of them)
5. There were only 91 streets in Irkutsk in 1877. (True. 373 houses)
6. Irkutsk regions birthday is in January. (False, on the 27th of September)
-OK, thanks for your answers, I see you know much about your region.
5 этап. Ролевая игра "Welcome to Irkutsk region!"
-And now lets play a game! Im going to be a British teacher who came to Irkutsk region with a group of students. So, youll be my students and youll be. . . . just yourselves! OK. Let me introduce myself - . . . Its the first time we are here and we have a lot of questions, havent we?
- Well, you are lucky to live in the centre of our region. And Im just a newcomer here. So, going here I made some photos of the streets and buildings. Could you explain what are the buildings and streets?
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