My Flat

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а:mtSEә- кресло
clock klok- сағат
VCR vi: si:a:- бейнемагнитофон
pillow pilәu- жастық
book buk- кітап
hall ho:l- дәліз
several sev(ә)rәl- бірнеше
need ni:d- қажет
on the left left- сол жақта
on the right rait- оң жақта
mirror mirә- айна
enoughinAf - жеткілікті
cheap tSi:p- арзан
expensive ikspensiv - қымбат
1. Doing exercises:
Read and translate the dialogue
Asel: Are there any pictures on the walls?
Dmitry: Yes, there are some pictures on the walls
Asel: Are there any pillows on the sofa?
Dmitry: Yes, there are some pillows on the sofa
Asel: Are there any chairs in the room?
Dmitry: No, there arent any chairs in the room
1. Complete the words which you need in your room
2. Click on the correct answer 8a
3. Venns diagram
1. Click on the correct rooms 10b
2. Conclusion
Match the English equivalents of the words in right order
аsofa сурет, картинка
аnarmchair орындық
аclock үстел
аtable диван
аcarpet сағат
аplant кресло
а chair кілем
а picture өсімдік
From the beginning of the lesson we were talk about our flat and rooms. And lets talk about our classroom. I have some questions for you, please answer for them. 1st question is Adelia for you. Please tell me how many desks in the classroom?
2. How many chairs?
3. How many boys?
4. How many girls?
5. How many pictures?
VII. Giving the home task.
Open your diaries and write down your home task for the next lesson. It is to learn all new words and ex-4 at page 126 to draw a plan of Carols house.
Your marks for todays lesson are. . . Fine fellow, bravo! Well done, good for you! Our lesson is over. Good bye!

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