Музыка в нашей жизни

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Glad to meet you. I think you are guess what we are talking about.
What do you want to talk about.
popular singers


music in my life
На экране:
Slogan: " Music is a language with some meaning for immense majority of mankind although only a tiny minority of people are capable to formulate a meaning in it"

(Claude Levi Straus. )

How do you understand what music is. How can you explain it?
Possible answers:
1. It is the universal language of the world.
2. It is the mirror of our lives and life problems.
3. It can name the unnamable and communicate the unknown.
4. It is the supreme mystery.
5. Its the art of writing or playing music.
6. Its a type of sculpture. The air in the performance is sculptured into something.
7. It usually pours out of radio, television sets, record players.
8. It helps the drivers stop themselves from going mad in traffic jams.
Music has many different colors and shades.
In English there are many adjectives for describing music. Do you agree with me? Lets reminds them. Divide into groups please.
romantic, cool, energetic
tunefull, sweet- sounding, lyrical, rhithmic
- OK, we can say that music is a very important part of our life. It helps us in different situations. And so music can be different too. Do you know any types (genres) of music? What are they? And which of them do you prefer?
Possible answers: (classical, folk, jazz, rock, rap, blues, spiritual etc. )
. Прослушивание учащимися музыкальных отрывков и догадка о жанре. Описание каждого из прослушанных жанров. But befor

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