Music in our life

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s rap? Do you know the rap singer of the USA who won five of the most important music prizes?
5. What is "reggae"? What singer do you know whose favourite kinds of music are jazz and reggae?
6. Finally, you cant have a pop quiz without this band these days. If you dont know the answer to this question, you are not a pop expert. Which band recorded these songs: "Handsome", "Sunshine".
1. Elvis Presley.
2. Liverpool.
3. 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c
4. Rap is a musical style in which the singer speaks or shouts the words in a strong rhythm. It was M. C. Hammer
5. Reggae is west Indian popular music and dance with strong rhythms. Mick Hucknall.
6. Ottavan
You are so smart! Brilliant!
Подведение итогов
Ok! Very good! To sum up our discussion about the role of music in our life, I would like to stress the fact that our life is full of ups and downs and we are supposed to cope with all these difficulties with a sense of humor and music. Without them our life would be intolerable.
Thank you for your participation. It was really interesting to find out your personal opinions on the problem which was to be discussed.

Its time to count your point!
How many points does the first team have?
What about the second team?
And the third? The forth?
Brilliant! Team , today you are the winners.
Your home work will be . . . . . .

Организационный момент:
Thank you for the lesson. It was interesting for me. Do you like the lesson? I hope music will help you in your future life! Thanks, the lesson is over. See you later! Good luck!

Раздаточный материал
Карточка 1.
Match the type of music to the dictionary definitions.
Rap, opera

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