Мой дом-моя крепость

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ear the Regents Park).
Well done.
VIIФизкультминутка. (1 мин. )
Stand up, hands up
Hands to the sides
Band left, bend right!
Hands on hips,
Sit down!
One, two, three
Hop! One, two, three – stop!
VIIIСовершенствование навыков аудирования и чтения. (13 мин. )
-Lets continue listening to the dialogue and compare your description with Mr
Philpotts description.
Учащиеся слушают вторую часть диалога, выполняют задание упр. 46 с. 136 и отвечают на вопросы учителя. Во время прослушивания учебники открыты.
Does Mr Philpott live in a big house?
How many rooms has he got?
Has his family got a garden?
What can you see near his garden?
Why is this area popular with tourists?
-Now lets read the dialogue in pairs .
IXПервичный контроль лексических навыков (7 мин. )
- Thank you for your work.
- Now you will have a little test. Ill give you shits of paper. Write down you name, surname and the number of your class.
- At your shits of paper you can see the names of the types of houses of Englishmen. Now at the smart board you will see the pictures of different types of houses. Match the names of houses with their pictures.
1. A detached housea) is a pair of houses joined together by a common wall. One side of each house shares a common wall, while the other is detached.
A semi-detached houseb) A large building or a group of buildings with thick walls and towers.
A terraced housec) is situated in a building that is split up into multiple living areas for different residents.
Block of flatsd) Like a semi-detached house, only one side of the house shares a common wall, while the other is detached.
A castlei) The official home of a ruler
A palacef) are low profiles

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