Mothers Day

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n (in chorus): Of course, we do!
Pupil 1: Who loves Mummy best?
Pupil 2: "I", says Fred,
"I give her flowers:
White, yellow and red. "
Who loves Mummy best?
Pupil 3: "I", says May,
"With my dear Mummy,.
I always play. "
Who loves Mummy best?

Pupil 4: I", says Joe,
"She asks me to help her
And I always do so. "

Pupil 5: Im mothers little pet
Yes, thats me
And my hair is very black
As you can see.

Pupil 6: I have two balls, many toys
And a brother.
And Im very, very fond of my mother.

Pupil 7: Who fed me when I was a child?
Children (in chorus): My mother!

Pupil 8: Who sat and watched my little head,
While I slept in my little bed?
Children (in chorus): My mother!

Pupil 9: Mother is busy from morning till night
Keeping her family happy and bright!

Children (in chorus): I love you so much!

Pupil 2: We have prepared a short play. It is called "Little Lost Baby. "
Baby Animal (Elis)

Storyteller: The baby animal had walked all morning and most of the afternoon. He was tired. He was lost. He couldnt remember his name. He didnt even know what he was. He wanted his mummy.

Baby Animal: Im lost. I dont know what I am. I cant remember my name. I want my mummy. Whose baby animal am I?

Storyteller: He met Mother Dog. She was knitting a sweater for her baby.

Baby Animal: Im lost. I cant remember my name. Will you be my mummy?

Mother Dog: Can you sound like a dog? Can you say, "Bow-wow. Bow-wow?"

Baby Animal: Ugh

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