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a "Kleidung". Seht an die Tafel! Hier sind englische und deutsche Woerter. Macht bitte 2 Gruppen aus diesen Woertern und lest vor! Wer moechte beginnen?
P1234. . . : (работа у доски)
Карточки со словами на английском и немецком языках (магнитная доска)
Приложение 2

Работа с текстом
(чтение, беседа по вопросам учителя на английском языке)
E. T:
- You look smart and attractive. You wear your school uniform during the day time. But! -What do boys and girls prefer to wear after their lessons?
- Who follows fashion more often: boys or girls?
- Do you like extravagant or conservative style?
- What do you prefer buying: fashionable/stylish clothes or casual things?
-What do you prefer: hand-made clothes or design clothes?
- Is it possible to dress well in Ulyanovsk without spending a great deal of money?
- What is more important for you: a persons appearance, a persons clothes or a persons behavior?
- Now lets read the text!
Find in the text the English variant
So, young men try to wear trendy clothes but they look very much alike. But many-many years ago the situation was quite different to my mind.

-Who wants to be a designer and try to change the clothes of this young lady?

Распечатка текста
Приложение 3 компьютерная
презентация (слайд 1и 2)

Демонстрация одежды разных эпох на примере куклы

Развитие навыков письменной речи (работа в парах на немецком языке)
D. L:
- Aber alles ist anders geworden, und die Mode auch. Ich glaube, die Kleidung im 19. J. h. war sehr

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