Мodal verbs

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go to pub.
III. I might/may as well go to the restaurant now.
Card 8
Put the modal verbs in the sentences
I. He cant drink coca-cola.
II. You can find any kind of sweet.
III. Can I taste this dish?
Card 9
Put the modal verbs in the sentences
I. You may come to my cafe.
II. Can I have a glass of water?
III. Can you wait for me in the pub?
Card 10
Put the modal verbs in the sentences
I. I could cook well.
II. It might be cooked by my mum.
III. You might drink water.
Card 11
Put the modal verbs in the sentences
I. We may not eat unhealthy food.
II. Everybody can buy healthy food.
III. Could you buy some tomatoes?
Step 3: Reading activity
Оқушыларға дұрыс тамақтану туралы видео көрсетіледі. Сол видео бойынша сұрақтар қою қажет.
Teacher: Watch this video.
1. Do you like this video?-Yes, I like this video
Children, write out words connected to food from this video
Chocolate, ice cream,chips,cake,hot dogs,hamburgers,fruts,vegestables, bananas,bread,grapes,pasta,apples
Did you hear chocolate?-Yes, we heard chocolate.
VI. Рефлексия.
1. Teacher: Children, write in card and give me.
1. Did you like this lesson?

2. Was this lesson interesting?

3. Do you now any proverbs?
Write them:

2. Giving marks:
…… you mark is ….
VII. Home task:
Teacher: Guys, please, open your dairy books and write down your task. Your home task is make up 5 sentence with modal verbs may, might and could
Мұғалім (бағасы):
Мұғалім қолы:
Әдіскер қолы:

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