write sentences about what you can do on the Lake District.
always usually sometimes never
1. skating/ice/winter
2. canoeing/autumn
3. skiing/summer
4. swimming/summer
5. walking/Lake District
6. sailing/spring
7. Name all the places of interest you can see in this part.
Post viewing activities
8. "In the Lake District the weather can be cold and stormy"
Speak with your partner about the weather where you live, using the words below.
Spring summer autumn winter rain snow wind hot sunny warm dry cool wet cold
Part 5. Northern England.
York. (16:43 - 21:43)
Pre-viewing activities
1. Be sure that you know these words.
New words
Traitor - person guilty of betrayal To display - to show
Tower - tall structure, often part of castle
Ceiling - upper interior surface of room
Temple - building for worship of gods
Ancient - древний
Brass band - духовой оркестр
Carving - резьба по дереву
Damaged - поврежденный
Roof - крыша
Viewing activities
2. Watch the scene about York and number the pictures below in the order you see them.
3. Look at these sentences. Three of them are false. Which ones?
1. York was begun in Roman times.
2. The wall around York no longer exists.
3. York Cathedral took 100 years to build.
4. The roof was partly damaged by fire.
5. English cathedrals have colourful walls.
6. People in the north of England like brass bands.
7. The first public railway was built near York.
8. In 1938 a steam train did 200 kilometers per hour.
4. Match the Russian and the English equivalents.
Brass band
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