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ot; (Лунара)
7) Оқу (Лунара )Writing with children.
Writing is communicating with others by putting ideas in print. Children begin learning to write in the early years. Writing focuses childrens attention on print, helps them learn that letters represent sounds, and contributes to their emergent reading skills. Handwriting comes later when children can form letters and words in conventional ways.
8) Оқу. ( Наргиза) Here are some examples:
Bring writing materials to each session. In your tutors toolbox include:A magic slate
Paper (lined and unlined; different sizes, shapes, colors, weights, and textures) Writing tools (crayons, markers, alphabet stamps and pad, pencils)
a small slate, chalk, and an eraser.
9) Би. (Алтынай, Дана, Әдемі, Гауһар)

10) Оқу. (Жаннур) (Help the child see the connections between oral and written language. )
11) Тақпақ. (Акмаржан)
12) Рифмовки (16кыз)
1 Айымгуль
2 Ажар
3 Алтын
4 Айжан
5 Айсәуле
6 Жұлдыз
7 Айкүміс
8 Мадина

13) Оқу (Әдемі)(Teaching children dance)
Teaching Children Dance contains a practical framework and approach for presenting creative dance lessons to children in kindergarten to fifth grade. program with detailed descriptions of strategies. Featuring 20 dance learning experiences, the book has been updated and expanded to reflect educators renewed commitment to making dance an integral part of childrens education.
Би "Флешмоб". ( Алтынай, дана, Гауһар, Әдемі)

14) Оқу (Дәмелі Teaching painting)
Интернетте сурет салу. Ромашка жасау
Colors sоng (all together)
15) Teaching children sing
Ән. "Учат в школе" үш тілде орындалады
1. Жүргізуш

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