Making a puppet

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LESSON: EnglishSchool:
Date: 6. 05. 15Teacher name: Nurmagambetova S. E.
CLASS: 1A/CNumber present: 12/12absent:
Theme: Making a puppet

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to1. L3 recognise with support simple greetings
recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words
1. S2 begin to use intonation to signal questions in basic exchanges
1. L5 begin to recognise the sound of phonemes and phoneme blends
1. UE8 use imperative forms of common verbs related to classroom routines
1. W2 form some lower case letters of regular size and shape

Lesson objectivesAll learners will be able to:
Tell the rhyme
Recognize Teachers instructions
Most learners will be able to:
Ask and answer questions whats this?
Make a puppet
Write some lower case letters
Some learners will be able to:
Act out using their puppet
Previous learning
Lets move

Planned timingsPlanned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)Resources
Hello, boys and girls
How are you?
What day is it today?
What date is it today?
What month is it now?
What is the weather like today?
Warm up.
II. Phonetic exercises
Animals are beautiful,
Animals are fun,
most of the animals like to runhttps://www. youtube. com/watch?vvUmqRAPdoU
(25-30 min)
Teacher demonstrates on an illuminated white board how to make an animal shadow puppet shape e. g. a bird. Teacher demonstrates Look its a bird …fly, bird, fly.

Learners given worksheet with diagrams of how to make animal shadows using their hands. Different groups given different anima

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