Magic Palace

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очитай рассказ и выполни задания.
I am a schoolboy. I go to school on weekdays and rest on Sundays. Sunday is my day off.
I get up later than usual on that day, air my room and do my morning exercises. Then I wash and dress, make the bed and have breakfast. After breakfast I help my mother to clear away the dishes and we wash and dry them. And as I go in for gymnastics, I hurry to the sports club at once. I come back home at about dinner time. It is only on Sunday that the whole family has dinner together.
When dinner is over, I run to the yard to play volleyball with my friends, I like this game very much and we play it every Sunday.
If the day is fine, mother wakes me up early in the morning and we drive to the forest to pick mushrooms. The place we go to is very quiet and there are a lot of mushrooms there. We always come back home with our baskets full.
But if the weather is bad, I go to see my friends or they come to my place. We play chess, listen to the radio or watch TV. Sometimes we go to the cinema if there is a good film on. At about half past nine Im at home already. After a light supper I go to bed.
Ответь на следующие вопросы, опираясь на содержание текста.
1) On what days do you go to school?
2) On what day do you rest?
3) What day is your day off?
4) When do you get up on Sunday?
5) What do you do after getting up?
6) What kind of sports do you go in for?
(раздаточный материал)
Слайд 19
V. Подведение итогов
VII. Прощание
The lesson is over, goodbye.
Слайд 20

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