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Жумагалиева Сымбат Кайдаровна
Учитель иностранных языков
Средней школы имени М. Ауэзова
Атырауской области
Республики Казахстан
The theme of the lesson: "London"
Aims of the lesson:
1) To enlarge the vocabulary
2) To develop speaking skills
3) To know the historic facts
Organization moment
T. Good morning, dear friends!
P. Good morning, our teacher!
T. Im glad to meet you. How are you?
P. We are fine, thank you. And how are you?
T. Im fine too, thanks.
Today we are having an unusual lesson: some guests are present at our lesson.
Greet them, please.
P. Good morning, dear guests! We are glad to meet you.
T. Sit down, please.
2. Фонетическая зарядка (Phonetic drill)
Now, first of all listen to the tape recorder. What about this text? What do you think about what will we speak at our lesson? Make the prediction.

3. Речевая зарядка. (Speech charging)
T: Did you guess the topic of our lesson? I think you did. Today well speak about London, about its interesting places. But it is necessary for me to understand what do you thing about these.
You know a lot about Londons places of interest. What do you know, what do you want to know? Please work in groups. I name you by the name of the capitals: London, Astana, Washington. Please sit here London, there Astana and here Washington.


k- known w- wanted l- learned
You fill this chart. What do you know? And what do you want to know? The third youll write at the end of the lesson.

4. "Мозговой штурм" (Brain storm)
How do you think the following words are used in the history.
Double-decker Single-decker Bus Conductor

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