Литературная гостиная Everything begins with love

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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия
Литературно-музыкальная гостиная "Everything begins with love"
11 класс
Hello to everybody! Nice to see you. Today we are going to have a very special party -
"Everything begins with love".

Angels call it heavens paradise, Ангелы зовут это небесной отрадой,
Devils - hells torture. Черти - адской мукой,
But people call it LOVE. А люди - любовью.
Love is a great treasure. Любовь - это великое чувство!

Love! Happiness! Beauty1
There are not so many days in our life when we pronounce these wonderful words.
Today we have so excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love, happiness, beauty.

A very old Chinese proverb says:
If there is rightness in the soul
There will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person
There will be harmony in the home
If there is harmony in the home
There will be order in the nation
If there is order in the nation
There will be peace in the world.
На слайде высказывания о любви -

"What is love?" is one of the most eternal questions. Mankind is trying to answer it for centuries.
Today well try to understand what love is, what love means.

Love has many sides such as the love of the mother to the child, the love of the child to the mother,
the love to the family, the love to the nature and of course the love to the only man.
Lets begin with the most sacred feeling - the love of the child to the mother.
Childhood begins with a love for the mother. Mother. . . Its a magic word. Is there any other
love as gentle as that one? This love we keep in our hearts all life.

I know a face ,a love

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