c каждым новым упражнением Вы пополняете свой словарный запас.
26 -- fruitless
27 -- adventurous
28 -- significant
29 -- generally
30 -- managerial
31 -- reality
Тренировочное задание
Задания 26 - 31 (повышенный уровень сложности)
Задание 4
White monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal
26 Тhе ancient city of Vladimir was founded in 1108 bу the Kiev Prince
Vladimir Monomach. It contains an important group of monuments.
The Cathedral of the Assumption was intended to bе the RELIGION
centre of all Russia.
27 It was built in the town Kremlin as а single-domed structure with the
façade for its carved reliefs. REMARK
28 Most of the 12th-century frescoes were destroyed bу Mongols, but new
mural were added in 1408 bу Andrei Rublev and Daniil PAINT
Chernii, in particular the famous Last Judgment.
29 Suzdal, which lies some 25 km north of Vladimir, was the site of а
in the 9th and 10th centuries, which became а fortress. А posad, SETTLE
which was housing craftsmen and shopkeepers, developed around it.
30 Within, dominating the whole town stands the Cathedral of the Nativity
with its five-domed top and Golden Doors. The interior is DECORATE
important in Russian art.
31 The buildings in Vladimir and Suzdal have been the centre of CULTURE
tourism for several decades and а good deal of restoration has been carried
Ответы к заданиям 26 -- 31 запишите в виде слова в поле ответа в тексте работы, а затем не забудьте перенести их в бланк ответов 1.
Советы по выполнению данного задания:
-- определите, какой частью речи должно быть слово, пропущенное в тексте;
-- подумайте, нужно ли его употребить
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