Король Артур и Рыцари круглого стола

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eautiful woman, Igraine, and he wanted to marry her. But she did not love him and he was very sad about that. Merlin helped him. Then King Uther was very ill and then he died.


с опорой на ранее изученные слова).

-Thank you very much for your descriptions. Now lets talk about the events which take place in these chapters. We will start listening to the tape and your task is to listen and after it to continue a story.
Arthur became a young man and one day he went to the church and he saw a stone with a sword. He pulled it out of the stone and became the king in England. He collected the great men and the best knights and they sat at the round table. There were 150 places. After that there were some adventures and Arthur got a great sword, Excalibur.
Thank you very much. Lets move on further. I know that some of you prepared to role the scene where Uther tells lgraine that he is giving their three-day-old child, Arthur, to Merlin. Lets watch it. (показ сценки)
Well-done. Thank you very much. I see that you are interested in this story. Now lets complete the following task (Презентация 2 слайд 3):
Who, in Chapters 1 and 2 said . . . ?
1. You can marry Igraine. (Merlin)
2. Who will be king after me? (Uther)
3. Who brought the stone here? (Knights)
4. Perhaps the new king will come to the fight. (Archbishop)
5. There is a sword in the stone outside the church. (Arthur)
6. Where did that sword come from? (Knights)
7. I will try to be a good king. (Arthur)
8. Arthur is our king! (Knights)
9. The names of the knights of the Round Table will be famous!(Merlin)
I have a puzzle for you. Look please at the screen again (Презентация 2 слайд 4).
- And fi

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