Answer the question Natasha, please.
T: Which sound is mentioned here?
C: The sound T.
T: Yes, you are right.
Слайд 3 Постановка темы урока.
And now look at the board again. On the board we can see letters and numbers. Please, solve the mathematical examples, and find the topic of todays lesson.
Слайд 4 Постановка задач урока.
Well done!!! The topic of our lesson today is Halloween.
T: What we are going to do during our lesson, children?
S: We are going to
Read. . .
Speak. . .
Review. . .
Work in pairs and groups
Слайд 5. Повторение лексики по теме чувства.
T: And look at the board again. What do these characters express?
C: They express feelings.
T: What can we say about this character? How does it feel?
C: He is bored.
T: Lets see.
Работа с учебником. Одновременно с этим к доске выходят два ученика и пишут слова по карточке согласно правилу чтения окончания ED
T: Sasha and Masha go to the blackboard and write the words from their cards into three columns according the pronunciation of their ending.
The others open your book on page 68, find ex 1 and ask the class questions about feelings in different situations.
Предполагаемый ответ:
I feel tired when I work for a long time.
I feel excited when Im on holiday.
I feel bored when I have nothing to do.
I feel scared when Im alone in the park.
I feel puzzled when I dont understand something.
I feel miserable when I fight with my best friend.
I feel stressed when Im late for a date.
После выполнения упражнения возвращаемся к детям у доски и пр
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