Конкурс рассказчиков

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arks in them. You are to be on duty on your English lessons. Lets review what a pupil on duty must do.
(На доске записаны выражения классного обихода для повторения:
To water the duster
To clean the blackboard
To answer the teachers questions about absent pupils
To bring the classroom in order after the lesson. )
I ask you never be late for my classes because the tempo of our wok will be always high. Now its high time to start our lesson.
Lets train our tongs.
Repeat these sounds after me: j, r, i, i:, au, Δ, a:, o:.
Autumn Leaves
(By Lily Gostelow)
Yellow, red and green and brown,
See the little leaves come down.
Dancing, dancing in the breeze,
Falling, falling from the trees.
Lets read it and translate. Find in this poem words with the sound… Lets write it down in your copy-books. Dont forget to write down the date. At home you are to learn it by heart.
Before you answer my questions we need to review the Simple Tenses: Present Simple, Past Simple, and Future Simple. Look at the formulas.
V (Vs) do,does
Ved (V2) did
Shall/will V

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